Best Wax For Pillar Candles

Making pillar candles is an excellent choice if you do not want a candle that is contained in a vessel. You may use your pillar candle in a candle holder or leave it standing on its own. In this article, discover what is the best wax to use is, and what the main differences are between pillar and container wax.

The best wax to use for making pillar candles is hard wax such as paraffin wax, beeswax, or palm wax. These waxes will create a sturdy and durable candle that will be long-lasting and hold its shape.

Pillar candles after burning

Pillar candles can be made with all kinds of colors, textures, designs, and fragrances. The most common pillar candles are tall, rounded, and smooth, but there are endless possibilities to use your creativity and create a unique pillar candle for your home or as a gift. 

The Best Wax To Use For Pillar Candles

A pillar candle is a tall and solid candle. They are generally cylindrical in shape and stand alone without being in a candle vessel. This means that they must be made out of hard wax to keep their shape and be durable. Therefore, the best waxes to use are paraffin wax, beeswax, and palm wax. 

The wax of a candle is very important as it is the main component of the candle, so take your time picking the right one to use so you can have an efficient and successful pillar candle at the end. 

All these waxes provide a stable and strong candle, so the question is, what one do you choose to use for your homemade pillar candle? Let’s dive into these three different waxes so you can make a decision on the best one for you. 

Paraffin Wax For Pillar Candles 

Paraffin wax is a colorless, synthetic wax and is very popular for candle making. It has a melting temperature of 120°F -1 50°F  and a pour temperature of 160°F -180 °F. Paraffin wax has a great scent throw, so it is great to use if you want a fragrant pillar candle.

Beeswax For Pillar Candles

Beeswax is a natural product and has a yellow appearance. It has a melting temperature of approximately 140°F – 145°F and a pour temperature of 155°F – 160°F. Beeswax has a naturally sweet honey scent, therefore it is not very suited for fragrance oils to be added. 

Palm Wax For Pillar Candles

Palm wax is a plant-based wax and has a melting temperature of 180 °F and a pour temperature of 200°F. Palm wax can take a while to provide a strong scent while lit because it has a high melting temperature and a higher amount of fragrance oil needs to be used compared to other waxes.

Blended Wax For Pillar Candles

You can buy a range of blended waxes and also mix them yourself. If you are going to make a blended wax candle, you want to ensure that it is made out of primarily hard waxes so the pillar candle will stay together and work efficiently. Therefore, avoid using multiple soft waxes such as soy wax.

You may decide to use blended waxes because you do not want to use one wax for your candle, but instead, get the qualities that the different ones provide. 

From these different wax options, you will be able to come to a conclusion about what one will best suit you. You may prefer a natural, plant-based wax over a synthetic one, or you may be more concerned about the price of the wax or about adding lots of fragrance to it. The key thing when choosing your candle wax is that it is a hard wax, so any of these options will be ideal.

The 2 Main Differences Between Pillar Wax And Container Wax

  1. Pillar Candle Wax Shrinks

Pillar candle wax shrinks slightly once formed, and this makes it easier to come out of silicone or plastic molds. Pillar candles are standalone and do not exist in a vessel, therefore it is important that it can be released from the structure that it was made in.

Container wax is wax that is held in a vessel. Therefore, it does not need to come out of anything hence, no shrinking of the wax is required. The wax can simply be held within the choice of vessel and be the size that it is.

We can see how pillar wax and container wax have different properties which enable them to adapt to their designed purpose.

  1. Pillar Wax Must Be Hard And Firm

Pillar wax must be hard and firm in order to keep its shape and stand upright, without falling down. It has to have a strong, durable structure to remain sturdy while it is lit. 

In comparison, container wax does not require a hard and firm wax. Container wax can be hard or soft wax because the wax is held in a vessel and does not need to be strong. The sides of the vessel can keep the wax held together. 

That is why soft waxes such as soy are often used in containers and why paraffin wax is popular to use for pillar candles. When making candles, we must consider whether the wax is soft or hard and make sure it suits the type of candle we want to make.

Can You Use Container Wax For Pillar Candles

You can use container wax for pillar candles as long as the wax is firm and hard. Let’s explore a variety of different blended waxes and see if they are suitable for making both container and pillar candles.

Wax Suitable As A Container And Pillar Candle Wax

Blended WaxesⓇ Pillar Soy Wax (BW-921)By using soybean oil and soy-based additives, it can be a successful pillar candle wax as well as be used as container wax.
EcoSoya PB Pillar Soy WaxMade from 100% soy wax exhibits. Releases easily from molds, so can be great as a pillar wax and container wax.
Paraffin Pillar Wax (MP-137)Creates a high-end and glossy wax that is great for both pillar candles and containers.
IGI 4625 Pillar And Votive Blend WaxA top-performing wax to use as both a pillar and container wax. The wax type used is paraffin wax.


From this table, we can see that the creation of wax blends, can enhance the structure of the wax and, therefore, its use. A blend enables a so-called “soft” wax to become more durable so it can be suitable to be used as both a container and pillar wax.

The Best Natural Wax For Both Pillars And Containers

If you want a natural and non-blended wax that would be durable and efficient for both a container and pillar candle, beeswax is your best choice. 

Beeswax can come in blocks of wax, pellets, sheets, and more, which suits both the creation of pillar candles and container candles. It is a hard wax, burns slowly, and does not drip much. All these qualities are important, especially when making pillar candles, and that is why it is the best natural wax for both container and pillar candles.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between Container And Pillar Candle Wax?

The wax used in candles that are in vessels can be softer, as it does not need to hold its shape. You can use waxes such as soy and gel which have the vessel to keep it contained and safe to use. Whereas, if you used those waxes in a pillar candle, it would fall apart and be dangerous to use due to its high potential of causing a fire as it collapses. 

How Do I Clean My Pillar Candle Mold?

To clean your mold after you have used it to make pillar candles, all you need to do is wipe it down with a soft cloth where the wax should just peel off or you can use a heat tool and wipe off the wax with a paper towel. Do not let candle wax go down your drain as it will clog up your pipes or cause it to drain slowly. 

Do You Need To Wear Safety Protection When Making Pillar Candles?

If you are making pillar candles at home, know it can be dangerous as you are working with hot and flammable substances. Wearing safety goggles is a great idea to protect your eyes from any wax that may splash upwards when it is melted.  

A fire extinguisher is a beneficial item to have as it is the best way to extinguish a fire that may be caused during the candle-making process and also if a fire does start in your house from a candle. You may also want to wear thick or old clothes to cover your body and skin from any hot wax.

What Type Of Wax Is Pillar Of Bliss Wax?

Nature’s Garden Pillar Of Bliss Wax is a blend of soy wax and paraffin wax and comes in granulated form. Melt it to 195°F and pour it at 175°F. It is great for making a candle that has a strong fragrance as this blended wax has a great cold and hot throw. 

Final Words

The best waxes to use for pillar candles are paraffin wax, beeswax, or palm wax, as these are all strong and durable waxes. They are the main essence of the candle and therefore will enable your candle to stand alone and provide a long-lasting, bright light.

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