What Temperature Should You Pour Beeswax Candles?

Did you know that the temperature at which you pour beeswax candles is critical for the outcome of your candles? Beeswax has a relatively low melting point. As a result, pouring it at the wrong temperature can result in multiple inconsistencies with your beeswax candles.

A 140 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit temperature is ideal for pouring beeswax candles. It is the perfect temperature range because it is hot enough to maintain the molten state of the beeswax but not too hot to ruin it. Higher temperatures in the field of 180 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit is better for initially melting wax at the start of the candle-making process.

Beeswax candles are different from paraffin wax and other candles and have a slightly different production process. So in this article, we will discuss all you need to know about temperature and beeswax candle making. Keep reading to learn more!

Why is Pour Temperature Important for Beeswax Candles?

It is essential to care about the temperature when you pour beeswax candles because beeswax has a weak melting point. Beeswax begins to melt at 143 to 151 degrees Fahrenheit. If you heat it to melt slowly, you will achieve a uniform consistency.

However, if you let it heat till its flash point— a higher temperature of about 400 degrees Fahrenheit, you could be calling for an explosion as the beeswax will ignite into flames. Therefore, temperature management is one crucial aspect that demands your full attention when working with beeswax.

There are three primary reasons for heating beeswax during the candle-making process. First, you heat beeswax to purify/clean it or render it molten for pouring.

Additionally, you heat beeswax to keep it in good condition for adding fragrance. As a result, each stage of the beeswax candle-making requires proper temperature regulation and control.

The temperature at which you pour beeswax can affect the integrity of your beeswax candles. So, if you pour too hot or too cool, you might not get the expected result depending on what stage you are in the candle-making process.

Therefore, before bothering about how to pour beeswax, it is essential to know the various methods of heating and melting it.

Furthermore, a reasonable knowledge about how beeswax melting point compares with other types of wax for pouring will save you minor troubleshooting when you make homemade candles.

Safe Methods of Heating And Melting Beeswax

  • The Double boiler method
  • The crackpot water bath method
  • The Solar oven method

Tips for Using the Double Boiler Method

Unlike its name sounds, the double boiler method is an easy DIY method for getting beeswax to its melting point. Here is how:

  • Get a smaller metal bowl or pan that sits comfortably on a larger one
  • Fill the lower larger bowl with water to the half-point
  • Heat the water containing the larger bowl to boil
  • Place the smaller bowl on top and reduce the heat for the water to simmer
  • Add the beeswax into the smaller bowl on top and watch it melt for about 15 minutes.

As a precaution, endeavour to prevent water from getting into the beeswax while it melts to avoid inconsistencies with the molten wax.

Tips for Using the Crackpot Water Bath Method

Besides cooking and meal preparation, crackpots are excellent for melting beeswax. Here is how:

  • Fill a crackpot with water and bring to aboil
  • Allow the water to simmer by reducing the heat, then place a metal dish inside the crackpot
  • Add the beeswax into the empty metal bowl on top and allow it to melt gradually into a jug.

The crackpot method is perfect for not just melting and pouring beeswax but for cleaning it. You will notice that any dirt in the beeswax will naturally sink to the bottom.

Tips for Using the Solar Oven Method

The solar oven method is a DIY formula that utilizes natural sunlight. Here is how:

  • Use aluminium foil to line a styrofoam cooler
  • Pour some bits of beeswax into a glass bowl
  • Place the glass bowl containing beeswax into the lined styrofoam cooler
  • Place everything in your solar oven and cover with a glass sheath
  • Set the solar oven in the sun and allow it to melt the beeswax gradually.

It would be best to start melting beeswax using the solar over earlier in the day to take advantage of the midday sun.

Now that you are familiar with the best methods for melting beeswax, you need to understand the difference between beeswax temperature and other candle waxes. This way, you will better grasp the concept of the frailty implied when discussing the right temperature to pour beeswax candles.

Comparison Table For Candle Wax Temperatures

Candle WaxMelting PointPour TemperatureAdd Fragrance Temperature
Beeswax144-149 ℉ (62-65℃)140-150 ℉160-165 ℉
Paraffin wax115-142 ℉ 46-61℃)170-180 ℉180-185 ℉
Soy wax113-127 ℉ (45-53℃)120-140 ℉180-185 ℉
Parasoy wax113 ℉ (56℃)160-180 ℉180-185 ℉
Gel wax180 ℉ (82℃)185-200 ℉220-225 ℉
Coconut blend wax124-127 ℉ (51-53℃)110-130 ℉130 ℉
Carnauba/Palm wax180 ℉ (82℃)185-195+ ℉190-210 ℉

What Are The Essential Temperatures For Beeswax Processing?

Beeswax temperature refers to the various temperatures for processing Beeswax. Generally, beeswax is a pretty hard substance produced from the lower abdomen of honey bees. It has a pretty low melting point and requires care when processing.

While heating Beeswax, do not overheat to its discolouration point of above 185 degrees Fahrenheit (85 degrees celsius) if you want to retain the gentle golden brown colour of the wax. As a result, good knowledge of beeswax temperatures will guide you when you begin to process beeswax, either for candles or other stuff.

Here are the various temperatures for beeswax processing you should note.

  • Beeswax Melting Point: Beeswax relatively has a low melting point of 144 to 149 degrees Fahrenheit (62 to 66 degrees Celsius) with a flash or flammable temperature of 204.4 degrees celsius (400 degrees Fahrenheit).
  • Beeswax Pour Temperature: Beeswax begins to heal in its molten state between 140 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. It is the ideal pour temperature for beeswax candles.
  • Beeswax Fragrance Temperature: A temperature range of about 160 to165 degrees Fahrenheit is great for adding fragrance oil like essential oils to beeswax candles. Such a temperature range is excellent for achieving a perfect blend between the oils or fragrance and beeswax.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens When You Pour Beeswax Too Hot?

Pouring beeswax too hot puts you at risk of overheating the wax to a flashpoint, creating the potential for a fire outbreak. In addition, if you pour beeswax too hot, you risk having cracks or air bubbles forming when you are done pouring, thus affecting the finish of your beeswax candles. Therefore it is best to stick with the recommended pouring temperature for beeswax.

What Is the Right Temperature for Adding Fragrance to Beeswax?

A temperature range of about 160-165 degrees Fahrenheit is perfect for adding fragrance to beeswax. It gives the wax a stable temperature to accommodate and blend with your secondary additive, which is the fragrance. More importantly, it combines better if your fragrance is an essential oil.

At What Temperature Should You Melt Beeswax?

Beeswax has a pretty low melting point of about 145 degrees Fahrenheit. So, heating beeswax above 185 degrees Fahrenheit will melt the wax and ruin its colour, while at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, beeswax reaches its flash point and becomes explosive.

Final Thoughts

Beeswax has a low melting point and requires care when handling. You can invest in a thermometer to monitor the temperature while processing beeswax. This way, you will be sure of heating or melting to the proper pouring temperature. Also, strictly regulating your heat source will enable you to achieve gradual melting to prevent the wax from hitting its flashpoint.

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